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Revolution Dental Implant FAQ - Oregon City, Oregon


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The cost of your implants depends on your unique treatment plan. You will receive a no-hidden-charges price quote at your complimentary consultation. We accept most dental insurance and also offer third-party financing options.

Your dental implants will look exactly like your natural teeth! Our lab techs will work with you to ensure that your prosthetic teeth match your natural teeth as closely as possible. The implant itself is screwed into your jawbone and fuses with the bone itself. You can eat, talk, brush your teeth and floss just as you do with your natural teeth!

For patients with good health and oral hygiene, implants have reported success rates above 90-95% and can last a lifetime.

Dental implants are a great choice no matter how many teeth you need replaced! A single implant simply takes the place of your missing tooth.

The implant procedure takes place in one day. During the healing process you will have temporary crowns, or prosthetic teeth, that look and feel natural. Once healing is complete your doctor will swap those teeth out for a permanent set.

We offer all levels of sedation for our patients, from oral medication to complete I.V. sedation. We want you to be completely comfortable and relaxed with us.


The Journey To A Beautiful Smile Here At Revolution

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